News And Events

June Newsletter 2024

Welcome to PAT Business School’s latest newsletter edition. Keep reading to see what the PAT team has been up to throughout June and what we have coming. NEW COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT 📢 We’re thrilled to announce our new course: Bridging the Gap: Risk & Compliance for Digital Assets in the Converging World of TradFi and DeFi starting on July 24th, 2024 – With programme lead, Dáire Lawlor. Are you a finance professional looking to transition from traditional finance roles to the dynamic world of digital assets and decentralized finance (DeFi)? This comprehensive 8-week course is designed just for you! Gain in-depth knowledge

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May 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to PAT Business School’s latest newsletter edition. Keep reading to see what the PAT team has been up to throughout the month of May.     Big News📢 Introducing AML Intelligence Business School  We would like to thank Eurogroup President, Mr. Paschal O Donohoe, TD,  Dr. Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, TD, Minister for European Affairs & Defense and Mr Billy Kellegher, MEP, European Parliament’s Rapporteur for their support at the recent launch of AMLi Business School.  We are therefore delighted to partner with AML Intelligence and our Education Partner, Technological University Dublin for the launch of two EU focused programmes:

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April 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to PAT Business School’s latest newsletter edition. Keep reading to see what the PAT team has been up to throughout April and what we have coming. New Course📢 Join us on a journey to digital empowerment with our newest course: Digital Empowerment: Navigating the Online World Securely – starting May 8th. Dive into four weeks of comprehensive training, mastering essential digital skills like privacy, security, data management, and effective online communication. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to boost your digital fluency and contribute to a more secure online society and economy. Early Career Awards 2024 PAT Business School

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March Newsletter 2024

Welcome to PAT Business School’s latest newsletter edition. Keep reading to see what the PAT team has been up to throughout March and what we have coming. Our PAT Fintech team is thrilled to introduce our weekly Zeitgeist roundup 📢 From must-read articles to insightful podcasts, riveting webinars, and hot job opportunities, we’ve got you covered. Stay ahead in the industry with our curated recommendations! Check out our website for the weekly Zeitgeist, updated every Friday! Are you Data Aware? Personal Security Awareness Month To address this significant issue across society PAT Business School has partnered up with CyberGuardian to introduce Personal

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February 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to PAT Business School’s latest newsletter edition. Keep reading to see what the PAT team has been up to this February and what we have coming. Excellence In Public Sector Higher & Professional Education In Accountancy And Fintech For 2024 PAT Business School is delighted to be awarded the ‘Excellence in Public Sector Higher & Professional Education in Accountancy and Fintech 2024′ for the second consecutive year. With thanks to our trusted professional and validating partners ACCA Ireland, Technological University Dublin, Compliance Institute, Higher Education Authority, Springboard+, IFS Skillnet. New Course Alert PAT Business School is thrilled to introduce

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