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Embracing Technology & Developing Talent: A New Generation of Financial Crime Compliance

Introduction – The Financial Crime Challenge The reality is that effective AML regimes rely on a combination of robustlaws, regulations and practices that are aimed at preventing anddetecting the illicit process of making illegally obtained funds appearlegitimate. This is not easily achieved. It could be argued ‘we’ – the financial services industry & relatedprofessional services- are NOT particularly effective in combatingfinancial crime. As evidence, consider the following: • The estimated amount of money laundered globally is 2% to 5% ofthe global GDP, or approximately $800 billion to $2 trillion peryear;• Over $50bn in financial penalties have been levied againstfinancial institutions

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How to Measure the REAL Outcomes for our Graduates?

Andrew Quinn – Director @ PAT Fintech June 19th 2023 The 3 year anniversary of my starting at PAT Business School is a natural time for reflection, and to say it has been a journey travelled – a journey only really beginning – would be an understatement. Not so coincidentally this is also the time of the year for Exams Boards and experiencing the pride we feel with the progression of our current learners and seeing the names of our new graduates. This combination of emotions led me to re-ask the fundamental question I have sometimes struggled with since first

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ACCA Qualification – Changes life.

PAT Business School has been a provider of Springboard+ upskilling initiative in higher education since 2018. This enables us to offer free and subsidised courses at certificate, degree and masters level leading to qualifications in areas where there are employment opportunities in the economy, helping individuals to upskill and further their careers. In light of this partnership, we wanted to give you some insight into our springboard+ courses and tell the story of our very first springboard graduate, diving into how the course aided her in furthering her career. Introducing Siobhan Maher. Siobhan Maher,  was the very first PAT Business

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Compliance in an Age of Digital Finance

Andrew Quinn – Director, PAT Fintech December 6th 2022 In this digital age of financial services, in an environment of almost constant Fintech innovation, the Central Bank will play an increasingly active role in the evolving European framework of regulation and supervision, and technology will become ever more important in managing the challenges inherent in the contemporary compliance function.  In this context, at PAT Fintech we are committed to creating ‘awareness’ regarding the potential of RegTech solutions, and are fortunate to be able to bring various RegTech vendors in our classes. This engagement benefits both our learners, the vendors, and

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‘The Risk & Compliance Professional of the FUTURE’

Andrew Quinn – Director, PAT Fintech The role or (dare one say) the image of the compliance professional is changing in an increasingly technologically enabled financial services sector. In the short-term, different and expanding roles are in demand, while in the longer-term, the strategic importance of the ‘embedded compliance’ function is rapidly evolving. It is critical now, more than ever, for education and training providers to work with the industry and to clearly identify the skills which are in demand. With its commitment to industry/practitioner driven courses and programmes, this is what PAT Fintech does. Regulation is continuing to adapt

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Peak Performance – Preparing for the exam wobbles

The benefits of imagining stressful exam moments – in advance. In our SBL course here at PAT we often talk about ‘Peak Performance – is no accident’. What we mean here is that we have to mentally prepare to give our best performance in the exam hall.  One part of this ‘peak performance’ preparation is mentally preparing for exam wobbles – moments where the exam is just not going well.  When it feels like you are sinking. Have you ever had this feeling? It can be very upsetting and derail your exam. When preparing for ACCA exams we wisely spend

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