PAT Springboard

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Springboard+ and HCI Pillar 1 are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.

Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy

Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy



Apply for the Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy on

Award level:  Level 9 equivalent of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Course start date: TBC
Applications deadline:  TBC
Course fee: 90% funded (for eligible applicants). Find out if you’re eligible




Payment Options – for accepted students on the course only


Payment Options
  • (3 interest-free payments)
    • 3 interest-free payments 250.00 (250.00 first payment now and second payment of 200.00 due in 1 calendar month with final payment of 200.00 due in 2 calendar months)


About the Course:

This course accredited as a Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Accountancy (Level 9 – 60 ECTS) by Technological University Dublin.

This programme is based aligned to the learning outcomes of the ACCA Strategic Papers with one additional module on Foundations in Sustainability Reporting and Disclosures.

This programme will provide learners with the knowledge, skills and competencies required to operate within the professional accountancy domain.

The programme is specifically focused on the knowledge and skills required to undertake strategic ACCA professional examinations. Additionally, the programme will embed a sustainability focus under IASSA 5000 which ensures the transparent assessment of environmental, social, and economic impacts, fostering accountability, compliance, and continuous improvement. This is vital for responsible business practices and the adherence to global sustainability goals – and the reporting thereof.

The programme aims to create a cohesive student body who excel through not only the guided support of the carefully constructed curriculum, but also through the opportunity for students to share and discuss diverse perspectives, leading to a more well-rounded understanding of the technical and social aspects of the accounting profession. The simultaneous completion of group assignments will enrich the learning environment and facilitate knowledge sharing. This will ensure a consistent pace of learning, reducing the gaps in knowledge and thus the skill disparities within the group.

Along with providing students with technical expertise the programme presents a persistent thread of digital, professional, ethical, and sustainable learning objectives aimed at producing the future T shaped accountant.

Entry Requirements

This programme is aimed at learners with a minimum NQF Level 8 and / or 9 ACCA applied level papers (Tier 1 and 2) who wish to qualify as a professional accountant. Students joining this programme must hold:
Level 8 Undergraduate Cognate Degree (including Tier 1 and 2 exemptions from ACCA).
PG Dip in Accounting (including Tier 1 and 2 exemptions from ACCA).
Nine (9) Applied papers direct with ACCA.

International Applicants:

Applicants whose first language is not English must attach a certified qualification of proficiency in English, as recognised by TU Dublin, as the programme is conducted through the medium of English. International students who have studied their undergraduate programme entirely through the medium of English may be exempt from the minimum English Proficiency requirement when applying for postgraduate programmes at TU Dublin. However, this is dependent on the International Student Office receiving certified documentation confirming that the undergraduate programme was studied through the medium of English. This certified documentation should be from the third level Institution where the applicant graduated with his/her undergraduate degree. However, TU Dublin reserves the right to request that the applicant present an English Proficiency qualification if the International Student Officer is not satisfied with the applicant’s level of English. A minimum IELTs level 6.5 (or equivalent) will be required where an English proficiency qualification is required.

Programme Delivery and Assessment:

Subject Title Subject Code Assessment type Percentage
Strategic Business Reporting PSBR_H5001 Case Study Question 1 20%
Case Study Question 2 20%
Case Study Question 3 30%
Full Case Study Questions 30%
Strategic Business Leader PSBL_H5001 Case Study Exam 1 70%
Case Study exam 2 30%
Advanced Financial Management PAFM_H5001 Assignment 20%
Case Study 1 30%
Case Study 2 15%
Case Study3 35%
Advanced Audit and Assurance PAAA_5001 Assignment 15%
Case Study1 35%
Case Study 2 10%
Case Study3 10%
Case Study 4 30%
Advanced Performance Management PAPM_H5001 Assessment 1 15%
Assessment 2 15%
Assessment 3 30%
Assessment 3 40%
Advanced Taxation PATX_H5001 Case Study 1 25%
Case Study 2 25%
Case Study 3 25%
Case Study 4 25%
Foundations in Sustainability Reporting and Disclosures SPAC_H5001 Written Examination 50%
Group Assignment 20%
Portfolio 30%