PAT Springboard

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Springboard+ and HCI Pillar 1 are co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union.

ACCA Applied Skills papers (through HCI Advanced Diploma in Accounting + Business – Graduate Programme)

ACCA Applied Skills papers (through HCI Advanced Diploma in Accounting + Business – Graduate Programme)



The Human Capital Initiative (HCI) will deliver an investment targeted towards increasing capacity in focused programmes designed to meet priority skills needs. The Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business is a globally recognised graduate conversion award. The ACCA graduate conversion qualification is designed with an emphasis on knowledge, skills, professional values and competencies which will prepare capable finance professionals who are able to contribute to all business sectors whilst building successful careers for themselves. The graduate conversion programme combines academic study with practical, relevant supervised work experience in an ACCA Approved Employer Environment.

Apply for the Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business (Graduate Programme) on

Award level: Level 8 equivalent of the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).
Course start date: TBC
Applications deadline:  TBC
Course fee: 90% funded (for eligible applicants). Find out if you’re eligible

Payment Options – for accepted students on the course only


Payment Options
  • (3 interest-free payments)
    • 3 interest-free payments 245.00 (245.00 first payment now and second payment of 200.00 due in 1 calendar month with final payment of 200.00 due in 2 calendar months)


Eligibility requirements:

This course is open to all, regardless of their employment status provided they meet the minimum academic requirements of having a cognate degree award at Level 8 or equivalent of the NFQ and meet the entry requirements for advanced programme entry and satisfy the appropriate national admissions eligibility requirements.

As under Springboard+, other eligible participants will include the unemployed, returners, and those in employment. The unemployed and returner categories will have the full cost of the course covered, while those in employment will pay 10% of the cost of the fee.

Category Criteria:

Recent graduates – who hold level 8 qualification.
The Employed –  who hold a level 8 qualification and wish to upskill or reskill to meet required skill needs across a range of sectors.
Those in receipt of eligible DEASP payment –  who hold a level 8 qualification and may require additional upskilling or reskilling in order to re-enter employment.
Previously self employed – who hold a level 8 qualification and may require a new qualification to return to self employment or to enter employment.
Returners –  who hold a level 8 qualification who may require additional upskilling or reskilling in order to re-enter employment.

Students will be able to enter these courses directly from their undergraduate courses without requiring a year’s break. For example, a student graduating in summer 2022 will be eligible for an HCI Pillar 1 course in Autumn 2022. This cohort will be required to pay 10% of the cost of the cost of the course fee.

Any student wishing to study the ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business must have successfully passed or been exempt from the following ACCA subjects:

  • BT/FBT – Business and Technology;
  • MA/FMA – Management Accounting;
  • FA/FFA – Financial Accounting;
  • LW – Corporate and Business Law;


The ACCA graduate conversion qualification is designed with emphasis on knowledge, skills, professional values and competencies which will prepare capable finance professionals who are able to contribute to all business sectors whilst building successful careers for themselves. The graduate conversion programme combines academic study with practical, relevant supervised work experience in an ACCA Approved Employer Environment.

Extracts from the programme syllabus include:

Performance Management (PM):
Aim: To develop knowledge and skills in the application of management accounting techniques to quantitative and qualitative information for planning, decision making, performance evaluation, and control.

Taxation (TX):
Aim: To develop knowledge and skills relating to the Irish tax system as applicable to individuals, single companies and groups of companies. Taxation module includes the following:

Financial Reporting (FR):
Aim: This subject develops knowledge and skills in understanding and applying accounting standards and the theoretical framework in the preparation of financial statements of entities including groups and how to analyze and interpret those financial statements.

Audit and Assurance (AA):
Aim: The Audit and Assurance subject covers the nature, purpose, scope of assurance engagements including the statutory audit, its regulatory environment and introduces governance and professional ethics relating to audit and assurance. Other areas covered include planning the audit and performing risk assessment.

Financial Management (FM):
Aim: This subject looks at the role and purpose of the financial management function within a business and the economic environment in which financial management decisions are made. These decisions are broken down into the areas of investing, financing and dividend policy.

Work Experience:
This module provides supervised work experience through the ACCA practical experience requirement (PER) model.



Marta Kopinska

I happened upon PAT Business School when I found the #Springboard+ course “ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business”, which included 5 ACCA exams and was managed by PAT Business School. I enrolled in September 2020 and my first course was Financial Reporting with Gerry Fahy. The quality of the course just blew my mind. Gerry is a genius teacher, he can explain the most complicated subject in the way it all makes sense and is easy to retain in memory. He has his own unique teaching style which really works. He provides all the materials and study plan, you just need to follow it. Both Gerry and Derek provided support not only during regular classes, they went above and beyond, providing additional classes, mock exams and motivational messages and constant support in whatsapp group (which really helped me to stay on track with my self-studying). At the beginning of the course I was terrified and doubted myself, but Gerry and Derek kept saying they believed in us and they wanted us to believe as well. Thanks to them I passed FR with no issues in the first sitting. I continue my course now preparing for Audit and Assurance with Terry Lawless and again the quality of teaching is outstanding. It is also worth mentioning that the customer service in PAT is excellent. I’m happy I found PAT, there is no better place to be for an ACCA student

Advanced Diploma in Accounting & Business Graduate 2021