PAT FinTech


Bonga D.

PAT Business School’s Higher Diploma in Regulatory Risk and Compliance exceeded expectations. High-quality content explored the ever-changing FinTech landscape through engaging real-world discussions. The instructors, guest lecturers, and fellow FinTech professionals provided invaluable experience. Supportive staff addressed minor logistical hurdles of a new program. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to launch a career in compliance and risk.

Bonga Percival Dlamini
EY (Ernst and Young)


I recently completed the Risk and Compliance course offered by PAT Business School and it was an incredibly enriching experience. The course covered a wide range of topics, including regulatory frameworks, risk assessment methodologies, and compliance management systems.

I highly recommend the Risk and Compliance course to anyone looking to deepen their understanding of compliance regulations and risk management. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional, this course offers valuable insights and practical tools that can enhance your career and organizational performance.

Juliana Almeida


I found the course fantastic. I’m a working mam and I really appreciated the flexibility of the course and the constant support.

The group interaction was always very good and not something I had seen before in an online course.

This course has opened a lot of doors careers wise and I recently received a promotion which I believe was due to my attendance on the course.

Chloe Hickey
Liam Keane & Partners

Oriana Ramirez

My name is Oriana and I recently completed the Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance with PAT Business School. I began my professional journey in Ireland as an AML analyst around 5 years ago gradually advancing to the position of Senior Analyst.

However, beyond AML and KYC, I had a strong desire to delve deeper into compliance practices and the broad regulatory landscape. A friend recommended this course with PAT Business School through Springboard+  to me and it seemed like an ideal opportunity to expand my knowledge in Compliance.

The course experience was quite enriching. The instructors were incredibly knowledgeable and approachable, and the program’s support team was always available to assist us. Midway through the program, I changed to a role in Financial Crime, a move I partly attribute to the confidence and expertise gained from the course. I highly recommend it. It not only covered the subjects I was keen on but also provided with more valuable insights that are and will be key in my career advancement!

DFRC February 2024

Oriana Ramirez

Feyne Vargas

I am a qualified accountant currently working in the audit department of a multinational fund’s services provider. The business activities at my company are very regulated and with all the regulatory developments in the financial services industry in Ireland, I perceived the need to acquire some level of regulatory knowledge to ensure I could fulfill my work effectively.

Overall, the course was run very well, the classes were administered appropriately and there were sufficiently skilled lecturers assigned. The PAT Business School team were also very nice throughout and were ready to assist students to catch up with the classes and prepare for assignments and exams. The team were also very considerate of the individual circumstances of students. My work was very busy during the course and had a few sick times also and this greatly helped me to still finish the course.

The knowledge and skills I acquired from attending the course have been of great advantage in doing my current job. When I tried to explore other opportunities, I find having a Compliance qualification/competency is an edge in Assurance roles and I was able to get a few job offers.

DFRC February 2024

Feyne Vargas

Tom Daly

+8 years in the Fund Administration industry across a suite of varying Fund Administrators (ranging from size in boutique to multi-national) with a strong experience in AML and traditional investor services across Mutual and Private Equity clients. Prior to this, I had obtained a BBA in Business Administration from Maynooth University in addition to a certificate in Compliance awarded by the IoB. Decided to do this course as I was mulling a jump into compliance for a few years and decided (at the time of signing up for the course) that the time was fast approaching where it was now or never.

The delivery of the course was certainly far above anything I’d experienced prior to this. Its designed purely for professionals which made balancing the educational and professional commitments certainly much more manageable, and the course is delivered by industry professionals who are considered, very rightly, as subject matter experts in their respective fields. Very beneficial from a learning but also networking perspective. Andrew and Inga certainly placed the students as their priority, and with demanding schedules with work and family made our lives much more manageable with deferrals and feedback on coursework.

With the course, I have been able to explore a new career path in a direct compliance role with a Fund Administrator.

DFRC February 2023

Tom Daly

Susan Crean

The DORA course provided a comprehensive overview of the impending, pan-European, Digital Operational Resilience Act. The lecturers were nothing short of being subject-matter experts who created an interactive learning environment. The course strengthened my knowledge base & skills and I’ve subsequently had the opportunity to join the DORA Working Group as part of my role.


Navigating Complexity: Implementing DORA – August 2023

Susan Crean
AML & Compliance Officer at FundRock

Olwyn McGovern

“This DORA course provided a very good foundation of the Digital Operational Resilience Act and associated requirements.

I would like to commend the Tutors in particular Andrew and Alan who explained details with very good examples and were available at anytime to provide clarifications on any questions.

I would highly recommend attending this course.”

Navigating Complexity: Implementing DORA – August 2023

Olwyn McGovern - IT Risk Manager 

Carol Murray

I recently completed the Diploma in Fintech Risk & Compliance with PAT Business School and TU Dublin in June. What a fantastic learning experience. Lectures were packed full of information, heated discussion and real-world anecdotal experience both from the students and the insightful faculty in industry. Looking forward to converting my Diploma into the Bachelor’s qualification and putting all that knowledge into practice.

Carol Murray
Looking for work


The diploma in fintech risk and compliance is an amazing course for anyone working in fintech, banking, insurance or investments. I found it difficult for a long time to find a course in compliance that didn’t include management as management wasn’t an area I was focused on. This course covers such a wide area of knowledge from industry experts, and everyone in the PAT fintech team have been amazing from day one. This course has been exactly what I have been looking for and I would highly recommend anyone working in these industries to check it out for themselves.

David Ryan

Claudia Fausto

I recently completed the Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance at PAT Business School and I must say, it exceeded my expectations.

The program provided a comprehensive and up-to-date understanding of the fintech industry, with a strong focus on risk management and compliance.

The faculty demonstrated exceptional expertise and were incredibly supportive throughout the course. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed, incorporating real-world case studies and practical insights that gave me a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving fintech landscape.

I now feel well-equipped to navigate the complexities of fintech risk and compliance confidently, thanks to this outstanding program at PAT Business School.

Claudia Fausto

Vitaly Klim

The educational course for Diploma in Fintech Risk & Compliance delivered by PAT Fintech is organised very well. All the faculty lecturers are industry experts making the course very interesting and up to date. The assignments and exams are a bit challenging in a way but still flexible, not overwhelming and encouraging research and analysis. The studying schedule requires engagement but it is still well balanced and reasonable.

I highly recommend educational courses with PAT Business School.

Vitaly Klim

L. Doyle

I have spent much of my career doing courses in compliance and similar fields and the DFRC course has been one of the most interactive and informative. The lecturers and coordinators worked tirelessly to provide the best quality of course with some updating the data or examples used on the same day as the lectures! So no outdated case studies. This course also provides you with a network of like minded peers which can be so useful during the course and afterward.

Louise Doyle
Flutter Entertainment plc


I am currently studying for my Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance with PAT Business School and have to say the level of support received is amazing, the course is wide reaching and flexible to fit around your current schedule. I’d highly recommend it!

Aisling Meagher

Aisling Foley

I really like the content of the slides and lectures. Very interesting materials. Andrew and Inga are very supportive and communicative. They go above and beyond for students and its clear they want you to achieve your goals! Would highly recommend this course to anyone upskilling or wanting a new career change! Thanks again.

Aisling Foley

Anna Bugalska

Very interesting classes, great teachers( especially Ciara and Michelle- they know how to speak to keep us focused and that’s very difficult in online learning 😀). I love the flexibility and willingness to help from Andrew and Inga. I don’t like the challenge rooms – I think we spent too much time on it.

Anna Bugalska

Osei Mensah

This has been great experience for me personally as I have learned a lot from the lectures, which is provided by leading experts in the field.
The course is tailored well to suit real life application and it’s serving me well in my day to day duties.
The team at PAT Business School are very supportive to see you through the course.


Amy Keating

Fintech – Risk – Compliance are all hot topics and DFRC has them all covered. The lectures allowed for a healthy discussion and it is not a course that is death by power point. These conversations are topically and allowed me to use real world examples whilst being interviewed.

The caliber of lecturers and students is second to none and to work in such a collaborative and open environment has been fantastic. It is a credit to Andrew, Inga and the whole faculty of PAT, the number of opportunities that this course has given to my fellow students.

I believe I might be the 6th student who has secured a new role in this space since we began last September, and I have no doubt this number will continue to rise. Continued success to all.

Amy Keating - DFRC Sep 2021

Grace Loughrey

It’s a fantastic course and having worked on the operations side with a large corporation it really opened my eyes on how things should be done , not a ” the less said the better approach”.  It’s a hard course for someone not in a full time risk or compliance role but I think it would be very beneficial to all in Fintech/banking space

 Many thanks for all your help so far and thanks for the encouragement to keep going.

Grace Loughrey - DFRC Sep 2021

Maura Meehan

As a student from another industry, I found the syllabus and content to be excellent with suggested relevant reading material particular to the modules. The course had a good flow from a learning perspective that built up learning module by module. The experience and delivery of the lecturers was excellent. Having subject matter experts currently working in the industry made for relevant insights to current regulation and the horizon. We had detailed discussions which were educational as there were students from many areas of financial services with different and diverse experiences. The on-line learning was very well managed, interactive and engaging. PAT showed an agility in relation to course content and the changing landscape. The assignments were relevant to the course content, challenging the student to equip themselves with the tools to make decisions with regards to regulatory frameworks and managing company expectations in a regulatory environment.

The staff are excellent. Supportive, informative and fully involved in the programme. Really appreciate everything you do to help us. Although I do not currently work in the financial services I do work in risk and compliance in a regulated industry and wanted to advance my skillset. This course though challenging for me has been a great experience in learning gives me the experience and opportunity to change to the financial services industry.

Maura Meehan

Annamaria Pace

The course in Risk and Compliance has helped me to understand the full picture of the Compliance and  Risk Management field.

Even though I have been working for an online payment company, I wasn’t aware of the legislation, rules and processes related to it and now I feel more confident in my knowledge and for that reason I’m planning to apply for a new job/ role in the coming months.

I appreciate so much the ability that Andrew and Inga have to manage our group, always ready to help, they are able to relieve even the pressure due to exams and they are very helpful and friendly. Also, the faculties are very helpful and clear in their explanation and they are always willing to help us out.

Annamaria Pace - DFRC Sep 2021

Josephine Troy

  • Quality of the lecturers is really excellent
  • Mix of strong industry experience and academic backgrounds
  • Real passion and enthusiasm for what they are teaching us and a strong sense of pride in preparing us for industry
  • Clear demonstration of course content to industry and real working examples of frameworks, risk assessments, authorisation processes etc.
  • Mix of learning techniques, very practical learning and always open to feedback
  • Very real belief that the application of teachings will make the industry better
  • Classes cover all regulatory aspects but nearly more importantly the real life application to real scenarios and real industry roles
  • Very approachable, supportive, accommodating faculty, open to feedback and ways to improve
  • Good mix of students from various backgrounds and roles, open and honest sharing of information for the benefit of the class
  • Friendly, safe, supportive & enjoyable classroom environment
  • Class recordings are a fantastic resource


Josephine Troy - DFRC Sep 2021

Lyza O’Halloran

I would recommend this course highly due to the practicality of the course. The guest lecturers
provide a proper perspective on industry regulatory standards with practical solutions and often
discuss topical examples that occur sometimes on the same week or even day as the lecture!

Lyza O’Halloran - DFRC Sep 2021

Sorcha Hannon

Having come from a “traditional” financial services background the course has opened my eyes to so many financial services alternatives & moved me out of that pigeon holed mindset. It has really broadened my horizons. It was definitely a baptism of fire having not coming from Fintech background 

Loved the class interaction & it’s not all notes being read through. All the lecturers are great but Ciara & Michelle are exceptional & it’s clear that they love what they do. There is real sense of community in the class. Everyone is really open to supporting & helping each other & that incudes PAT staff & lecturers.

Sorcha Hannon - DFRC Sep 2021

Lisa Fitzpatrick

The DFRC course has 100% helped me in my current role. The material is relevant and up to date, and the lecturers are all very knowledgeable, and eager to share this knowledge. The assignments are based on real life scenarios, and I will use some of the wording/content from my assignments when dealing with current and future clients. I am positive that I will get future work/contracts based on what I have learnt over the last few months. Lastly, I feel more on top of regulations that affect Fintechs, and confident that I can continue to keep up to date.

Lisa Fitzpatrick - DFRC Sep 2021

Laura Baginski

The DFRC program has helped me immensely in getting a new job. The dual accreditation along with the membership in the compliance institute previously ACOI went a long way to demonstrate I had both practical skills and a strong understanding of compliance and EU regulation. This accreditation is instrumental for a career in Risk and Compliance anywhere in the EU.

Laura Baginski - DFRC Sep 2021

Aline Gomes

The course is extremely important to me, so far, I was able to learn more about Compliance in general and obtain specific knowledge to identify the area of ​​activity that I most identified with.To summarize, this course has been a game changer for my career.

In relation to those involved in the course, all of them have an incredible baggage of knowledge which they pass on. I would like to thank you all for your attention, especially Andrew and Inga who were always very helpful and polite. Thank you for everything.

Aline Gomes - DFRC Sep 2021

Marceli Spironello

I am from Brazil, and as expected I have lots of things to learn regarding regulations, language, and how things work in Ireland and in the EU.

I know all my limitations, so I can tell that my experience doing this course has been so great, the classes always deliver more than I expected, the support that Andrew gives is fantastic and also, I have been learning so many things that I’d never thought I could learn.

When I started the course, I was working in PayPal as a Customer Solutions, and I decided to join this course to increase my chances of succeeding in my career in the financial/fintech industry. With less than 2 months doing the course I was hired in Interactive Brokers as a New Accounts Document Processor which I am basically dealing with KYC and Due Diligence in the AML department. In addition to it, I’ve been contacted by a recruiter through my profile on LinkedIn.I highly recommend this course for everyone who wants to be qualified in this field.

Marceli Spironello - DFRC Sep 2021

Maria Caniuca

I started this course without any background in Compliance. I knew that this is the road that I am taking, and I knew that it would be a difficult road, but this didn’t stop me from giving 100% to absorb as much as I can. 

Because English is my second language, I was a bit concern that I wouldn’t be able to understand the wording used in Compliance but  this was not the case, the course was design in the way that if you want to make the transition to Compliance it would be very easy for you to do so and everybody is willing to help if you feel that you are struggling. It was amazing that I had the opportunity to ask questions and receive real life examples, which all made for an enjoyable and informative course.I was able to apply everything I learned (and still learning and applying). I would highly recommend this course to other students. 

Maria Caniuca - DFRC Sep 2021

Kathryn Carey

I have found the DFRC Programme really informative and interesting. The course is designed to deliver instructive and up-to-date information on current and proposed regulatory developments, and to challenge participants’ understanding by working through topical assignments (in a good way!).

The calibre of all the tutors, who are experienced practitioners within the risk, compliance and fintech environments presented the students with unique and valuable insights on a broad range of regulatory developments across the entire landscape.

I would also like to compliment the course owner/s and administration for their unfailing support and genuine kindness in ensuring all participants are getting the utmost from the course.

As a result of participating in this course, I have been able to apply the learning in my current role and share insights with my colleagues on various data protection/AML regulatory obligations and procedural requirements. I have also highlighted how upcoming regulatory developments will result in changes to our current practices.

I would highly recommend this course for any person considering a career in risk and/or compliance in fintech or more traditional firms, because you will come away from it better informed and ready to put all the learning into practice.

Kathryn Carey - DFRC Sep 2021

Brónagh Sheridan

I embarked on this course hoping it would at least give me an overview of risk and compliance in a Fintech environment and it has delivered beyond my expectations.  The level of detail, engaging lecturers and case studies have provided me with not only knowledge but ‘real life’ skills to carry out duties in this area.  

I came from a non-compliance/finance background and after my first semester I secured my new position as a Compliance Executive.  My ability to understand the discussion on risk and compliance, and my engagement with recruiters at a level required during the interview processes, is a reflection of the quality of this course and the reputation that PAT/TUD holds in its innovative approach to blending academic and vocational training in preparing people for the workplace. 

Brónagh Sheridan - DFRC Sep 2021

Niamh Blake

I enrolled in the PAT Fintech Diploma in Fintech Risk and Compliance to build on my existing knowledge and skills and to enable me to manage the evolving financial function within my industry such as control structures for AML/CFT Compliance policies in a Fintech operating environment, dealing with an over reliance upon third-party outsourcing core services etc.

The course is delivered remotely and each contributor is an industry expert who is actively working within their respective field and able to give course participants real life scenarios relating to the particular lecture topic.

I found the method of delivery too really suited my lifestyle as I am not Dublin based and so it was very convenient that lectures are delivered remotely and can be watched back at a time that may be more suited to you.

Niamh Blake - DFRC September 2021

Dagmar Dockalova

Fintech Risk and Compliance course was the best thing that happened to me during the spring lockdown… The whole course, in terms of conception and presentation, has highly exceeded my original expectations. Clear structure, easy to navigate platform, useful MCQ testing tool. Every week a supply of most up to date information, with possibility to directly ask and interact. The choice of experts was absolutely great! “The Certificate” has been a step forward in my academic and work career – it has opened the door for cooperation with a central institution for which FinTech is an area of interest. Last but not least I would like to thank Andrew and Larry for being such amazing and amusing figures guiding us through the entire course! 🙂

Dagmar Dockalova
Court of Justice EU

Michelle Joyce

It was a pleasure to have been involved in this very insightful course. Wide variety of topics, very relevant to the industry that we are in. Fantastic team of people. Couldn’t recommend it highly enough.

Michelle Joyce

Eoin Macken

In the timeframe we had the wealth of information covered & done so in a digestible manner accounting for the groups varying levels of knowledge of each subject was immense and impressive.

The guest lecturer SME’s were brilliant and exposed us to different opinions & takes on matters. It was clear that the emphasis was on showing all sides to a topic rather than trying to impose or force a particular narrative.

The delivery of the course facilitated engagement & conversation amongst participants in sharing knowledge from across a wide array of backgrounds and perspectives which added additional value beyond the course material alone.

Andrew & Larry were quick in response to any questions & always on hand to help, their enthusiasm was infectious.

Eoin Macken

Claire Gallagher

Having worked in Financial Services for over 20 years, I was keen to gain an understanding of what is coming down the track in terms of evolving technologies and how these can sit alongside the highly regulated status of the industry. The PAT Fintech Certificate in Risk and Compliance, run in conjunction with the ACOI, did not disappoint in providing new insights each and every week. Via the guest speakers and through discussions with the course managers (thanks Andrew & Larry!) & with the other students, we had the opportunity to both see some of these new technologies and to consider how they can fit into the existing regulatory framework – or indeed how that framework may need to develop. There was a very broad mix of industry professionals involved which greatly enhanced my experience of the subject matter at hand. This course is very much a case of the journey (weekly classes) being more important than the destination (if that is defined as an exam) and the 3 hours every Tuesday night on zoom was a pleasure rather than a chore.

Claire Gallagher

Philip O Reilly

I have been in Financial Services for more than 50 years and managing development of technologies for intermediaries, lenders, and insurers, for more than 25 years. Our softwares are used in more than 300 offices in Ireland.

I did the Fintech certificate course, arranged by ACOI, so that I could keep up to date on developments in the sector around the new emerging technologies and compliant implementations in same.

I was not disappointed. The changes coming are exciting and very challenging.

The course managers did a superb job in setting the syllabus and the programme. The range and quality of guest lectures were simply great, engaging and well presented in the online environment.

Thanks for the opportunity and all the support to, Course Managers, Andrew Quinn, and Larry Gordon of, Pat Fintech

I thank all the other course participants for the interaction and dialogue.

Philip O Reilly
Managing Director @ Money Advice - Ireland

Sara Deak

Highly recommend this brilliant course. Andrew and Larry are great, they created a very interactive environment and made the course enjoyable and very interesting. The expert guest speakers each week were very engaging, created a great atmosphere and discussions.

Sara Deak

Julie Monaghan

As someone with little to no knowledge of the FinTech space I have to say what a great learning experience over the last 18 weeks.
Subjects covered varied, guests lecturers knowledgeable and the course delivered in a very open and friendly manner.
I would highly recommend this course to anyone working currently in financial services or with an interest in this changing landscape. I have already taken subjects covered and applied them to my everyday role.
A special thanks to Larry and Andrew for creating such a great learning environment and to all on the course for their input over the weeks.

Julie Monaghan
New Ross Credit Union

Jack O

What a fantastic course. Hats off to Larry & Andrew (plus background team) for pulling together the weekly lectures with phenomenal guest speakers from across the fintech and regulatory environments (to name a few). There was never a session where something new or interesting was not learned. It was engaging and always relevant, and catered to people of all ranges of experience and expertise. The availability of course content online (including class recordings) was very helpful and enabled us to reinforce what was learned at home in our own time. It’s a testament to the team and to the success of the course that a diploma offering is now on the table. Highly recommend taking it if you have the opportunity.

Jack O'Sullivan

Ann O’Reilly

This was a new subject for me and although nervous I took on the challenge and signed up, at the very least I would learn something new and achieve something during an endless lockdown!

The course was informative, it covered familiar topics within the general compliance context but approached them from the FinTech angle; new concepts were introduced which gave me whole new perspectives. The course itself was interactive, discussion and debate were actively encouraged. The lectures followed a format which I thought worked well and the time flew by every Tuesday evening; the Kahoots were lots of fun and brought out a very competitive streak!

One highlight was that each week different guest lectures from the industry presented and this gave us valuable insight into the practical application of FinTech in the Fund Services industry. Another was the enthusiasm and determination PAT faculty gave to designing and delivering the course, they were quick to adapt to people’s needs and feedback. I think this course will go from strength to strength

And finally, it was great to be part of a class, to get to meet great people and learn from their experiences.

It was 18 weeks well spent.

Ann O'Reilly

David Farrelly

I would highly recommend the Certificate in Fintech Risk and Compliance. The course content was engaging and industry relevant. This was backed up by presentations from a host of industry experts who engaged with the class in a fun and interactive way.

David Farrelly
Exela Technologies

Gina Fanning

PAT FinTech has without doubt helped in propelling me into the FinTech space and has given my career a complete 360″ – it is, in my opinion a necessary and best learning experience for anyone working in Compliance  in this every changing FinTech/RegTech space – the exposure to the best Subject Matter Expert lecturers from the industry – on the course is something you cannot get anywhere else, and I feel everyone gains a lot from the experience plus the Certification is a complete bonus for anyone looking to excel in Compliance.

Gina Fanning
CompliNet Ltd

Anna Sadlo

I did a lot of studying and completed a lot of courses in my life but this one was by far the best.
It is all about the risk and compliance in FinTech environment and these may be very similar to risk and compliance in the traditional financial institutions but they are so much more interesting. 🙂 Or maybe it is just the way Larry and Andrew run this course that makes the regs and legs nearly.. exciting! It is a workshop style course which forces you to think, discover solutions to real life queries and problems, solve the case studies and discuss with your colleagues. The quality of speakers and their passion for a subject and for FinTech environment in general turns weekly sessions into a live discussion, sometimes an argument (regulate or not regulate?!). All of these makes it a great learning experience and I would definitely recommend it!

Anna Sadlo

Michelle McGuire

The most practical and insightful course I have been on for some time. Thoughtfully delivered in a pragmatic manner, particularly given the current environment we find ourselves in. The course covered very topical themes and concepts from a broad range of subject matter and industry experts, which is its unique selling point.

A special mention to Andrew Quinn and Larry Gordon, who were excellent mentors, and teachers and as enthusiastic about Fintech as the course participants.

Michelle McGuire
GECKO Governance